ExPatFacts: Write For Us
Know More Media invites you to become a contributing author to our blog network specializing in business information and news. We seek topical experts who are also savvy at blogging and building online readership; you must be committed to growing the blog’s traffic and understand how to network online. We want people who can write with a clear, strong, competent, and honest voice. If you have a passion, knowledge, or expertise in a certain business topic or industry, you may be an ideal candidate to become a Know More Media Author.
Authors are paid a combination of base pay rate and traffic commission, and they typically earn from $100 – $800 per month. All authors are expected to publish an average of one post per day, as well as perform the blog promotion and networking necessary for blog traffic growth and the success of online media.
Why become a Know More Media Author?
- Make money writing!
- Get instantly published.
- Work from home or any location where you can connect to the Internet.
- Establish your reputation as an expert in a field.
- Expand your expertise on a topic.
- Write what you want without supervisory editing (within Know More Media policy of decency).
- Increase promotion for your personal business endeavors (or company).
- Hone and improve your writing and research skills through daily usage.
- Take part in the future of online publishing and media—blogging.
- Join a leading network of business experts.
What We Look for in an Author
Passion. You must love the topic—possess a passion for it. You must have a passion to succeed and grow your blog’s readership and traffic. You’ll be writing on it extensively; if you don’t have a love for it, you will never endure. Plus, this passion will shine through in your writing; it will be infectious.
Business Expertise. You must be a personal expert in your topic or field. Know More Media is a place where information seekers come to find new information, new advice, and original opinions. If you can only re-hash what everyone else is saying on the topic, sorry, but you’re not a fit for us. We want expertise from its source—you.
Writing Ability. Superior blogging is both what you say and how you say it. Great writing is the ability to transform your thoughts, feelings, and knowledge into the written word in a lucid, concise, and entertaining manner. Can you edit out your own typos? Do you use proper grammar? Can you express yourself clearly? We don’t edit your content for you—you must be able to do it yourself.
A Voice. As we like to say, “It’s all about the voice.” Plain, boring, dry toast, just-tell-the-facts writing is not what we want. We want personality; we want uniqueness; we want you to have a singular, identifiable voice that people want to listen to.
Available Business Blog Topics
We are seeking authoritative topical experts for the following open business blogs:
Apply Now
If you possess the desire, skills, and personality to write for the expanding Know More Media network of business blogs, please send an email to info (at) knowmoremedia.com with the following information:
- Your name and desired blog URL
- A paragraph explaining why you are specifically qualified in the topic
- Explanation of how you will help increase traffic and readership to the blog
- Two (2) sample blog posts addressing your desired topic
We will review your application & samples and get back to you.
Suggest a Topic
Perhaps you are an expert in a business topic or industry not listed here. Or you already write a blog that may fit into the Know More Media network of business blogs. We are interested to hear from you and will consider all suggestions for additional blogs to our network. Please send an email to info (at) knowmoremedia.com with your suggestions and proposals.
– The Know More Media Team
Find out more about Know More Media here.